
Langdell Hall as it Will Appear in 1929

The rapid progress made during the summer on the new additions to Langdell Hall enabled returning students to see what the complete structure will look like in 1929. Already the steel frames for the new halls are erected and the walls are started. The finished building will be more than twice the size of the present structure, and will provide space for a large increase in library facilities, study rooms, lecture halls and a court room.

The new reading room will accommodate 1000 students at once, and will occupy the entire top floor with the exception of the wings which will contain lecture halls. The capacity of the stacks will be more than doubled. The new wing which will be perpendicular to the present structure will house in addition to a replica of a court room several professors' rooms, consultation rooms for visiting judges, and study rooms. The court room seating 500 will be the scene of mock legal battles to be held there when it is completed.

The building is expected to be completed in time for occupany by the opening of the college year in 1929.

The first floor of the new addition will provide two new lecture rooms, exact duplicates of the lecture rooms in the present building. In addition it will contain the dean's and librarian's offices, and several seminar rooms. The new West Wing which will be 114 feet long and 58 feet wide, will have on the first floor a number of professor's rooms, cataloguing and periodical rooms.

The first mezzanine floor will contain 36 professor's offices, six seminar rooms, and several more stack rooms. On this floor in the new West Wing addition will be located the librarian's administration offices.


The basement will contain 36 study rooms for the students doing research work, several stack rooms, like the present ones in Widener Library, and all the locker rooms. Here also will be located a large vault to protect the valuable papers and documents which the Law School possesses. For the use of those working in the library, 98 stack cubicles also will be placed in the basement.

The plans for the project call for the removing of the present book stacks on the second floor of the present structure and for the converting of this entire floor into a single reading room, with the distribution desk in the center.

In the center of this room a door will open into a large hall of the West Wing. This hall is to be an exact replica of a judiciary court, and will have in the rear of the room, a small library for the benefit of visiting judges.
