


Now that a small percentage of the better members of the freshman class have been pledged to sororities and fraternities the work of molding them to type will begin. The freshman will learn soon enough that organizations do not take all kinds of people but that in every one a definite type exists to which each new student must conform if he is to be a popular member inside the group.....

The molding of men to types within various fraternities has been decried as one of the outstanding faults of the entire fraternity system. In reality it is nothing of the kind. Men who are to enter into the business world must mingle to some extent with every kind of people but it is equally true that most of their business and social relations will be with a particular group of people.

The change from home life to fraternity life is for most men and women their first attempt to adjust themselves to an entirely different mode of living. And it is the more versatile of the new students who most readily get into the swing of things. --The Daily Illini
