

It is doubtful if many of the Freshmen who today face their first encounter with the Harvard language examinations question the value and validity of these tests any more than they question the necessity of College Boards or the object of laying their photographs before the admissions committee. Language requirements, like college boards, are there and must be accepted as such by all who aspire to complete identity with the college community. But even though the majority may accept them without further inquiry and all must accept them somehow or other, there are bound to be a few restless spirits among those crossing the threshold of the New Lecture Hall this afternoon who would like to know how the language requirements reached their present form and what purpose they serve.

Their first question would probably be: Does the existence of language requirements at Harvard mean that all Harvard Seniors have a workable knowledge of one language and an elementary smattering of another? Their second question might well take the following form: Of what particular use is a smattering of one language to a Harvard Senior? Could he not better employ his time improving his knowledge of the first tongue he professes to knew? Such questions of course will not prevent many Freshmen today from proving their reading knowledge of French who never could nor ever will be able to read French, readily, nor will they save many others from wasting a year on German A who need only one mire stiff French course to whip their more stiff French course to whip their oughly workable shape. But of the making of many books there is no end.
