Final compilation of points scored by the Freshman dormitories in the annual spring sports competition gives the championship to Gore Hall, with a total of 28 points. Smith Halls, winner of the title last spring, took second honors with 20, McKinlock came third with 14, and Standish last with 10 tallies.
Tennis proved to be the strong sport in Gore this year, and was the direct cause of bringing the title to that dormitory. Fifteen points, or more than half of Gore's total, were gained through tennis.
Aside from this unusual preponderance of able tennis players in the winning Hall, the spring sports were fairly evenly divided among the dormitories. Gore was also strong in baseball and rowing, while Smith led in track, sculling and in the number of men who earned numerals, McKinlock was second only to Gore in tennis, as nine of its 14 points were gained in that sport. Standish proved to be most effective in track and baseball, taking three points in each of these sports, and also counting three numeral winners among its number.
A summary of the sports follows:
Track--Smith 5, Standish 3, Gore 1.
Rowing--Gore 5, Smith 3, McKinlock 1.
Sculling--Smith 5, McKinlock 3, Gore 1.
Baseball--Gore 5, Standish 3, McKinlock 1.
Tennis--Gore 15, McKinlock 9, Smith 2, Standish 1.
Numeral Men Smith 5, Standish 3, Gore 1.
Totals--Gore 28, Smith 20, McKinlock 14, Standish 10.
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