

First Year Eight Will Cover Two Mile Course Upstream--To Start Below Submarine Base

Red Top, Conn., June. 17--With its practice tomorrow the University crew will have been at Red Top exactly two weeks and will start its final four day drive in preparation for the climax of the rowing season when it meets Coach Leader's undefeated eight for the rowing laurels of the East.

At 6 o'clock, standard time, on Friday afternoon, the two shells will lead away from the starting flag opposite Red Top for the four mile grind which will finish at the railroad bridge just outside of Kew London. At 9.30 o'clock, standard time, that morning, the two Freshman eights will row upstream over the middle two miles of the four mile course, starting from the flag a mile below the submarine base and finishing a mile above the base. Half an hour after the first year race the Crimson and Blue Javee shells will fight it out over the same course.

In both the Harvard and Yale camps these last few days will be spent in smoothing out, the rough spots in the crews, and in trying to give the combinations more finish. Coach E. J. Brown '96 has been working especially hard on getting his oarsmen to get a lot of snap in the finish of their strokes, having the crew do most of its hard pulling aft of the outriggers. The style of Leader's crews is just the opposite with the shell getting most of its drive on the catch of the stroke.

As a result of this different style and the fact that the Yale crew will have its oars in the water longer, to the novice's eyes the Blue boat appears to be a smoother machine. Coach Brown's victory last year, however, demonstrated that a crew using his style could give its wash to a Leader combination over the full four mile course.
