The situation here at Princeton is a complicated one in that the clubs have two functions. They are eating clubs and they are social clubs. It was seen as early us 1908 that the clubs had developed in unforeseen manner and with no controlling influence. If Princeton authorities made no efforts to provide proper food or proper surroundings for students but merely furnished classrooms and faculty, the problem would hardly be one for discussion. The eating clubs would be entirely independent and a law unto themselves. . . .
The problem is not even as simple as club versus non-club. There is the hierarchy of established clubs to be considered. Leaving the feeding problem aside, it is a question whether smaller, not larger, sections might not offer a solution. If 50 percent instead of 25 percent were left out of clubs the clubs would not be such an integral part of Princeton life. The unclubbable element effectually stops a solution in the other direction.
From both an economic and social standpoint, fewer and larger clubs seem desirable. A number of clubs, of course, have elaborate establishments. But a number of others are faced with the necessity of building new club houses to keep up with the competition. Some are not too comfortable financially. Would it not be possible to effect the consolidation of two clubs into one with larger membership? Might not conditions later make further consolidations feasible." At first thought this may seem preposterous to alumni who have sentimental attachment to their own particular club. But these alumni try to kept sentiment out of business. Might it not be worthwhile to look reasonably at such a possibility." Although enrollment is restricted, the clubs cannot stand still. The competition is there and the pace is stiff. The underlying spirit of loyalty to the cub system is all right, but there is no special sanctity attached to the form. The clubs might well abandon their defensive attitude and give thougt to the course of future development. There are no panaceas for the club problem, but there are great possibilities in intelligent direction of evolution. The Princeton Alumni Weekly.
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