After a final and as ever victorious verbal struggle with the Davis Cup committee, Big Bill Tilden and his fellow tennis warriors have sailed to engage in the first Davis Cup matches an American team has played away from home for many years. What the chances are for Tilden, Lott, Hennessey, Hunter and Coen to ensure next year's contest being on American soil will be uncertain for many weeks yet, but for a year at any rate France has the honors. Indeed, for most of the summer the attention of the sporting world will be focused on Europe and the Western Hemisphere will be decidedly in the background until the autumn brings the World Series and football. Amsterdam will be the center of interest as the focus of the Olympic games, but wanderers in Europe have been running across extra events going on almost anywhere for the past six months.
If the athletes must go abroad, however, there seems to be a compensation in that they will probably bring back goodly portions of the laurels with them. America has such insuperable advantages of size and abundance of material to draw from that, much to the regret of many who would see a more equal division of the spoils, it is more than likely that her unbroken string of victories will be continued. But the thrills of the contest will be as strong as ever, the tourist army will have a new objective for its interest, and the defeated competitors can look forward to the joy that will be theirs when for the first time they compete chez the great playboy of the Western World--Los Angeles.
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