Patronesses for the Senior Spread were announced last night by Hamilton Heard '28, chairman of the Class Day Committee. Gene Rodemich and his orchestra will play at the Spread, which takes place on June 18, the night before Class Day.
In addition to Rodemich's orchestra, there will be one other which has not as yet been selected. These two orchestras are to provide music for dancing in Memorial Hall and outside on the Delta west of the Hall, where a canvas will be spread if the weather permits of outside dancing.
Boxes and tables are to be placed outside around the dancing space in the Delta, at which groups of from two to eight couples will be accomodated. Two boxes and six tables will be reserved for the patronesses.
Mementos to be Given
Permanent mementos of the Spread will be given out to all guests in the form of leather card cases and dance programs.
Mrs. Robert Saltonstall has been selected as head patroness, and will be assisted by Mrs. Wilbur C. Abbott, Mrs. Karl Adams, Mrs. Frederick L. Ames, Mrs. Henry D. Atwater, Mrs. Oakes Ames, Mrs. Robert E. Bacon, Mrs. John N. Barbee, Mrs. Conrad Bell, Mrs. Nicholas Biddle, Mrs. Alexander M. Blackburn, Mrs. Henry W. Browne, Mrs. Julian G. Buckley, Mrs. James Burns, Mrs. George F. Canfield, Mrs. Philip P. Chase, Mrs. Charles M. Clark, Mrs. Edward F. Clark, Mrs. William L. Dearborn, Mrs. Robert D. Donaldson, Mrs. H. Edward Dreier, Mrs. Thomas E. Dunn, Mrs. Samuel Eliot, Mrs. Charles F. Fawsett, Mrs. William L. Garrison, Jr., Mrs. Alfred C. Hanford, Mrs. Robert C. Hallowell, Mrs. Charles S. Heard, Mrs. Francis L. Higginson, Mrs. Thorndike Howe, Mrs. James Jackson, Mrs. John O. Jones, Mrs. James Lawrence, Mrs. John Anderson Lord, Mrs. A. Lawrence Lowell, Mrs. Matthew Luce, Mrs. Ronald T. Lyman, Mrs. Frank O. Magie, Mrs. Roger B. Merriman, Mrs. Joseph Morrill, Mrs. Phebe C. Mulford, Mrs. Carl H. Pforzheimer, Mrs. Charles A. Pratt, Mrs. Francis L. W. Richardson, Mrs. Philip L. Saltonstall, Mrs. William C. Sanger, Mrs. Lansing Simonds, Mrs. Mary B. Sinclaire, Mrs. Henry D. Tudor, Mrs. Robert DeC. Ware, Mrs. Joseph Warren, Mrs. Ridley Watts, Mrs. George F. Williams, Mrs. Moses Williams, Mrs. Owen Winston, and Mrs. S. Huntington Wolcott.
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