

"Black Pup" and "Class" Already on Way to Thames River--Five Men Picked for Combination Eight

The first two University eights rowed on the upper Charles River yesterday afternoon for the last time before they leave for Red Top and the Yale Race which is scheduled for June 22.

A squad of 18 men will leave with the coaches on Sunday afternoon to start intensive practice on the Thames River preparatory to meeting the Eli eight over the four mile course.

Combination Men Stay

The five men from the squad who will row on the combination crew will stay here to practise with the three Freshmen who will complete the combination under the supervision of H. H. Haines, the Freshman coach. These men are: C. N. Comstock '30, Edward Hamlin Jr. '29, D. R. Kroell '29, J. S. Wintringham '30, and either R. A. Page '30, or Roger Donaldson '30. W. J. H. Turnbull '31 will be the coxswain.

The practice for the first two eights was light, Coach E. J. Brown '96 having them pull up to Watertown bridge and back with short sprints ordered at intervals. On the way up, the crews changed shells and A. A. Campbell '30 changed places with L. W. Dickey '30. W. G. Saltonstall '28, who was unable to row owing to a slight injury, was replaced in the first boat by Geoffrey Platt '27, captain of last year's eight. J. de W. Hubbard '29 was still in the bow of the first shell where he has been rowing since the Navy-Pennsylvania race.


Yesterday morning the "Black Pup" and "Class", two of the University launches, were shipped to Red Top while the "Patsy" is being taken down by water on Sunday.

The 18 men who will leave for Red Top Sunday, with the exception of Saltonstall, rowed in the following order yesterday afternoon:

Crew A--Stroke, John Watts '28; 7, Guy Murchie '29; 6, F. A. Clark '29; 5, Geoffrey Platt '27; 4, C. E. Mason '30; 3, W. T. Emmet '29; 2, L. W. Dickey '30; bow, J. de W. Hubbard '29; cox., C. H. Pforzheimer '28.

Crew B--Stroke, James Lawrence '29; 7, Allerton Cushman '29; 6, A. A. Campbell '30; 5, C. McK. Norton '29; 3, M. R. Brownell '30; 2, D. S. M. Lanier '28; bow, A. T. Gray '30; cox., R. W. Herr '28.
