

Coach Jeffers Makes Slight Changes in University Lineup--First Year Players Also See Action

Entering upon the intensive latter half of its spring schedule, the University lacrosse team will take on the Brown stickmen this afternoon at 3 o'clock on Soldiers Field.

Coach H. W. Jeffers 2G.B. is sending his men onto the field with several minor changes in the lineup, having decided after last Saturday's defeat by the University of Pennsylvania to give the players more experience in different positions.

The Brown aggregation has not made a particularly good showing this year, having lost recently to Dartmouth and the Boston Lacrosse Club, and the odds this afternoon are clearly in favor of the home team.

The Brown first year twelve also comes to Cambridge today, to play a return game with the Crimson Freshmen.

The first team will line up as follows:


H. L. Ellison '28, g.; J. H. Lane '28, pt.; Ira Markwett '28,; H. M. Hartnett '30, 1d.; S. B. Park '29, 2d.; C. E. Mulliken '28, 3d.; C. D. McQuaid '28, c.; F. A. Pickard '29, 3a.; R. C. Glenn '30, 2a.; J. C. Dreier '28, 1a.; G. A. Wallace '28, o.h.; A. M. Murphy '29, l.h.

The 1931 lineup follows: T. W. Dunn '31, g.; G. S. Robinson '31, pt.; J. W. Henderson '31,; V. M. Harding '31, 1d.; A. C. McGowan '31, 2d.; T. E. Farrell '31, 3d.; Wayne Hobbs '31, c.; W. W. Foshay 31, 3a.; F. F. Dissell '31, 2a.; H. G. Pope '31, 1a.; O. D. Johnson '31, oh.; I. H. Gulick '31, l.h.
