Facing the strong netmen of Lehigh University, the University tennis team will take to the courts at Divinity Field this afternoon at 3 o'clock, reassured by its victory on Saturday over Cornell.
Coach H. L. Cowles is entering the same eight men who played Saturday, in a series of six singles matches and three doubles. There are slight changes in the lineup, E. B. Ward '30 having advanced to No. 5 and Arthur Ingraham Jr. '30 to No. 3.
Lehigh's outstanding player is Julius Seligson, who has twice beaten Van Ryn, ranking No. 6 in outdoor national singles.
The Freshman net team will see action this afternoon against the M. I. T. 1931 aggregation on the Divinity Courts at 3 o'clock.
The University lineup follows:
Singles--No. 1, Captain B. H. Whitbeck '29; No. 2, M. T. Hill '30; No. 3, Arthur Ingraham Jr. '30; No. 4, J. H. Appleton '29; No. 5, E. B. Ward '30; No. 6, C. R. Hamlen '30.
Doubles--No. 1, Hill and F. K. Trask Jr. '30; No. 2, Ward and Whitbeck; No. 3, Ingraham and Hamlen.
The Freshmen will line up as follows:
Singles--No. 1, A. C. Ingraham '31; No. 2, W. L. Breese '31; No. 3, T. G. Upton '31; No. 4, R. L. Tower '31.
Doubles--No. 1, Ingraham and Breese; No. 2, Upton and Tower.
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