

Senator Walsh, of Montana, is not, it is to be feared, a very staunch Democrat. Merely because Governor Smith rolled up a few thousand more votes in the California primaries than he did, the Senator has withdrawn from the presidential race. He does not seem to realize that unless he becomes quite accustomed to defeat he can be no true follower of William Jennings Bryan, who was not discouraged after four attempts at the presidency. Indeed, the recent triumphs of Harding "normalcy" and Coolidge economy have made the Democratic donkey drink very deeply of the bitter waters, and for Senator Walsh to despair after merely one reverse shows appalling ignorance of the traditions of his party.

He may draw some comfort from the very fact that caused his withdrawal, however, for Smith's victory shows that opposition to the party's only hope is fast receding. Anti-Catholics, drys, and anti-Tammany men alike cannot but admit that no one of their candidates would have the ghost of a show in a nation-wide contest with Smith, and the policy of backing the winner is claiming more and more of them as the Smith delegates pile up. Hoover, to be sure, is making even greater inroads into the strength of the various "favorite sons" set up by his enemies, but that is all the more reason for the Democrats to imitate his tactics. As for the public, the chances are becoming brighten that for the first time in many years the most prominent men in both parties will face each other with more or less conflicting views on most of the important issues, and will give the electorate a chance to make a clear choice between the two.
