

Although no one apparently made any accusations. Boston has been strangely agitated of late about its next-to-Godliness. The matter seems to have had its roots in the declarations, anent the appearance of his city's policemen, of Lynn's Mayor Bauer, who was rudely removed from Page One last winter to make space for "Bossy" Gillis.

The reverberations of this uproar travelled, as the crow flies to the Hotel Bellevue and to City Hall. At the former, a speaker of the Boston Advertising Club calmed the city in general by allusions to the easy life among laundrymen and street cleaners on that side of the Charles. But for City Hall the darts were obviously meant and there they rattled impotently off the shield of Superintendent Crowley's indignation. "Our officers are the finest looking bunch of men in the State" he cried. "One shave a day is enough for them; and as for powdering their noses, laugh. There shall be no such feminism among my stalwarts".

And thus, while the captains and sergeants depart with a clean slate, there is no little gloom among the shops sartorial, tonsorial, and cosmetic that flaunt their signs around the Common. The great public continues its patronage, but, just as Harvard has said it will not employ their services, so Boston's police report that they need them not.
