

Daily exercises in all courses in all courses end today. The final examinations will begin on Thursday, and the starting hour, unless otherwise noted, is 9.15 o'clock. THURSDAY Anthropology A  New Fogg Lect. Rm. Anthropology 7  Emerson. J. Chemistry 6  Harvard 3. Economics 10b  Emerson. J. English 37  Sever 36 English 72 Abramson-Hackett  Memorial Hall Hall-Zoll  New Lecture Hall Fine Arts 3b  Robinson Hall Fine Arts 5r  Fogg Small Lect. Rm. French. B.  Sever 18 French 35  New Lect. Hall Abbot-Huxtable  Geology Lect. Rm. Jaqua-Wood  Semitic Museum 1. Geology 10  Rotch Building German 2 IV  Emerson. J. German 26b  Emerson. J. Government 7b  Server 26 Greek. A.  Sever 26 Greek G. 1.  Sever 30

Greek 11Alpern-Sullivan  Sever 29Sutherland-Wilder  Sever 30History 30bAjamian-Lumaghi  Harvard 5McCausland-Youngman  Harvard 6History 48  Sever 30Mathematics 10b  Harvard 2Mathematics 16  Harvard 6Music 3Aisner-Kaplan  Sever 23Landers-Zevitas  Sever 24Philosophy 6bAbbott-Baum  Emerson ABeisel-Wyeth  Emerson DPhysics BAnderson-Everett  Sever 5Farren-Liebman  Sever 6Love-Young  Sever 11Physics 12  Harvard 2Physics 17bBatchelder-Seto  Sever 17Sherman-Willis  Sever 18Scandinavian 2  Sever 18Semitic 2  Sever 18Social Ethics 10  Emerson A
