
Annual Financial Outlay for Examination Blue-Books Is $1,262.55--Monitor, Sanskrit Costs Form Contrast

The sky-blue books periodically scattered before an unappreciative student body by the College are not valueless even though they remain unfilled. If was discovered by a perusal of the current Treasurer's Report. The annual expenditure for these embryouie manuscripts totals in the College proper $1,262.53. The cost per volume and the ratio of book usage per scholar could not be ascertained although the inquiring agent was assured that the student whose inroads would earn him the title of a dollar-a-year man is rare.

And as for the soft-sheed but sternsouled guardians who prowl the purlieus of the examination rooms, their cost for the past two semesters of 1926-27 amounted to $3.053.50. The monitors' price, if may be seen, approaches very nearly three times the stationery expense. Some rapid calculation demonstrates the entire outlay as $5.316.35 per College annum.

In contrast to the figures for quiz up-keep there may be presented the total restricted and unrestricted expenditures for Sanskrit by the College which add up to $8.28. This sum in turn dwarfs the annual cost of equipment for the Board of Freshman Advisers which is with all required refinements included exactly $3.29.
