W. D. Ticknor '30 was the individual star of the track meet held yesterday on Soldiers Field--for all prospective letter men in football who have not yet received a football "H". Ticknor took two first, places and one second in a meet consisting of five events. The special 100-yard managers race was taken by A. J. Beveridge '31, who led his manager teammates to the tape in less than 11 seconds.
The summary of the meet follows:
50-yard dash Won by Ticknor; second, Fletcher Hodges '28; third, R. S. Smith '30, Time 6 sec.
One mile run Won by F. A. Pickard '29; second, P. J. W. Bove '29; third, F. S. Grant '29, Time min 47 sec.
220-yard dash--Won by Ticknor; second, E. S. Amazeen '31; third, R. W. Hemminger '28, Time 23 4-5 sec.
Shotput Won by J. N. Trainer '31, distance, 33 ft. 9 3-4 in,; second, Ticknor, distance, 33 ft, 5 in.
Discus throw, Won by J. B. Fyffe '29, distance, 111 ft. 10 in,: second, R. D. Robinson '29, distance, 95 ft.; third, P. W. Mahady '31, distance, 91 ft. 8 in.
Managers 100-yard dash Won by Beveridge: second, R. W. Thayer '29: third, W. S. Youngman '29.
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