

In no field of University activity has the need of a coordinating hand been recently more urgently felt than in that of the numerous official publications. Since the death of Miss Kate Mullen early this spring the work of publishing the various University catalogues and pamphlets has been without any definite guiding influence. Although Miss Mullen's official position was editor of the Gazette she also took an active interest in other publications which ensured the accuracy of their contents and the punctuality of their appearance.

The appointment of David Washburn Bailey of the class of 1921 as director of University publications not only fills the vacancy left by Miss Mullen's death but goes considerably farther in definitely centering the responsibility for all University publications. The importance of such books as the University catalogue and the Alumni Directory cannot be appreciated as long as they continue to make their regular and flawless appearance. Only by their want could the University arrive at a full sense of its dependence on them. Nowhere might the danger of divided responsibility and confused commands be more fatal. These dangers the appointment of Mr. Bailey to his new positions may confidently he expected to obviate. Mr. Bailey's extensive experience in newspaper writing and editing combined with the sole responsibility given him for the work he has undertaken may furthermore be taken as an assurance of continuity, coordination and care in the entire publication work of the University.
