
Overseers, Fellows, and Members of University Faculty Honored by American Academy--Wilson Again President

Professor Edwin Bidwell Wilson '99 of the Harvard School of Public Health has been reelected president of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, it has just been announced. Professor Arthur Edwin Kennelly Hon. '06, of the Engineering School, Professor George Howard Parker '87, director of the Zoological Laboratory, and Professor George Lyman Kittredge '82, Gurney Professor of English Literature at the University, were elected vice-presidents.

At the same time it was announced that Professor Charles Burton Gulick Jr. '21 of the University was elected recording secretary of the Academy. William Suddards Franklin, lecturer at the University was named editor.

Thomas Barbour '06, director of the University Museum, and Professor Paul Joseph Sachs '00 will serve on the finance committee of the Academy. Professor George Foot Moore Hon, '06, and Associate Professor Edwin Crawford Kemble have been appointed to the publication committee. W. C. Lane '81, and Barbour are announced as members of the library committee of the Academy. Professor Simeon Burt Wolbach '99 of the Medical School will serve on the house committee. Professor Parker, Professor Gregory Paul Baxter '96, and Associate Professor William Chase Greene '11, Professor Wilson, and Professor Gulick will compose the meetings committee. Professors Harlow Sharpley, director of the University Observatory, Professor Percy Williams Bridgman '04, Professor Frederick A. Saunders of the Jefferson Physical laboratory, and Professor Kennelly are members of the Rumford medal committee. George Russell Agassiz '84, Overseer, will serve on the anditing committee. Professor Reid Hunt, and Professor Baxter have been appointed to the C. M. Warren committee.

Several of the 33 fellows and the 21 associates elected to the Academy were members of the University. The fellows of the Academy at the University just elected are: Professor Walter Fenno Dearborn, director of the Psycho-Educational Clinic: Professor Ralph Barton Perry of the Philosophy Department: Professor Henry Bradford Washburn '91, professor of Church History; Assistant Professor Joshua Whatmough: Assistant Professor James Phinney Baxter III: Assistant Professor Arthur Harrison Cole: Assistant Professor William Yandell Elliott: Professor Clarence Henry Har- ing '07; Professor Warren Milton Persons; and Professor Arthur Meler Schlesinger.

The associates elected are: Frederick Pickering Cabot '90, Overseer; Eliot Wadsworth '98, Overseer; Ronald William Boyden '85, Overseer; Thomas Nelson Perkins '91, Fellow; and Jeremiah Smith '92, Fellow
