
Graceful Affirmative


To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

In regard to the editorial in the CRIMSON of May 22 concerning the Yard Concerts given on Widener steps, the Glee Club is pleased to find that it has been favored with such a splendid attendance this year, and that sufficient interest has been shown in it to arouse an editorial calling for more.

Trusting that this is typical of the wishes of many, and that the audience of over one thousand at the last concert is a good testimony of appreciation, the Glee Club sees no reason why the usual number of two concerts might not be increased to three or four another year. There are three factors which enter into such a question: The expense, the time spent by the singers in giving concerts, and the factor of restraint in not overdoing a good thing.

There is some slight expense incurred for every performance which unless multiplied too often is negligible. The main question is that of time. When we consider that the Glee Club has three rehearsals and an average of one concert a week throughout the year, it will be evident that as the final exams approach, the members should not be taxed too much.

The CRIMSON suggestion that there be six concerts instead of two hits a mark above what is just to the Glee Club members and what is favorable to artistic taste. It would seem better to have the audience end the season with some appetite left and wishing for more, than regretting a superfluity.


The suggestion is good, however, in its central idea, and the Glee Club can assure Harvard of a reasonable increase in the number of Yard Concerts next year. The Glee Club.
