

One week ago this evening, the Glee Club presented the second and final Yard Concert of the spring. If ever the panegyrics of reviewers and the bromide "outdid itself" are true, they are so for these affairs. The season, the audience, the location all contribute to the excellence of the performances; tradition lends its approval; and the participants never fail to co-operate with programs of musical worth and appeal. No one who has attended a Yard Concert will doubt that the audience is enthusiastic and genuinely appreciative.

But this audience is handicapped by having only two evenings in which thus to enjoy the Glee Club. This paucity of appearances is certainly not to be excused on the grounds of slight interest; if there is a substantial reason for limiting the number of concerts to two, it must be found in the difficulty of training the singers for more frequent meetings of the type. However, similarity of programs is not particularly an evil, when the membership of the audience changes to some extent each time, and when the programs are of such real merit as those Doctor Davison offers. The period of the year from the April vacation to the end of May is not one of all-absorbing scholastic or athletic activity; so the Glee Club does not at that time have such dangerous competition for its members' attention as earlier in the year. In consideration of the popularity of the Yard Concerts, and of the probably slight inconvenience to the Glee Club in such a move, the CRIMSON believes that the extension of the concerts from two to six in number, to be presented at weekly intervals from the April vacation to the end of May, would be an innovation on which the University would look with great pleasure.
