

Five Events With Prizes to Be Run Off This Afternoon--Final Meeting Will Be Held at 6.45 O'clock

The first track meet ever held for football players in the University will be run off this afternoon on Soldiers Field, starting at 3 o'clock. There will be five field and track events, open to all men who played football this spring, or who intend to play next fall, except winners of the football "B". Prizes will be awarded in the five events, which are-a 50-yard dash, 220-yard dash, mile run, shotput, and discus.

After the track meet the fourth and last spring football meeting will be held in the Varsity Club, at 6.45 o'clock. Captain A. E. French will preside, and speakers and music will feature the assembly, which is open to all men interested in football.

C.J. Hubbard Jr. '24, former All American guard at the University, will talk on the fine points of line play. J. L. Knox, coach of the Second University eleven, will speak on forward passing, E. L. Casey '19, Freshman coach," is scheduled to address the football men, with special emphasis upon Freshman football.

During the meeting, plans for summer work and for early fall practice will be discussed and decided upon. The close of spring practice leaves the squad in excellent condition, and it is the man of the coaches to follow up this start with careful preparation for the coming season.

The football players are to be entertained at their last meeting by the intercollegiate Red and White Entertainers. This trio has appeared before many college organizations, and provides music, dancing, and skits.
