

In 1778, two years after the Declaration of Independence, Samuel Phillips founded a boys academy at Andover, Mass. Throughout one hundred and fifty years his legacy to the youth of America has grown and prospered. At all times in the course of its long history Andover Academy has held undisputed rank among the best, as well as the earliest, of American preparatory schools.

Today and tomorrow Andover celebrates its sesquicentennial anniversary with properly impressive ceremonies. The presence of President Coolidge marks the event as one of far more than state wide importance. But the President is only the first of a long list of distinguished guests who will attend the Academy's two day celebration. Governor Fuller, President Lowell. President Angell of Yale, president Bibben of Princeton. Dr. Perry, principal of Phillips Exeter, and numerous other college presidents, school headmasters, and political leaders will hear witness by their presence to the range of Andover influence. Harvard, Yale, and Princeton must feel a particularly close interest in the career of their younger colleague, bound to her as they are by the large number of Andover graduate in both their student and alumni bodies. Today many undergraduates of Harvard as of other eastern colleges will return to witness the Andover ceremonies, oblivious for the moment of college affiliations, feeling again that they are thoroughly and solely Andover men.

The CRIMSON believes that it may safely speak for the whole of Harvard in offering its most sincere congratulations to Andover on the completion of one hundred and fifty years of worthy service.
