

Business Meetings Today Followed by Banquet Tonight--Excursions and Sports Occupy Graduates Tomorrow

Philadelphia, Pa., May 17--Harvard graduates numbering over 1500 assembled here today in the thirtieth annual meeting of the Associated Harvard Clubs. Those present represent approximately every state in the country, and many have come to the meeting from Canada, Porto Rico, Cuba, Hawaii, and England. The conference will continue tomorrow and will conclude with a banquet Saturday night.

Graduate Schools Day Held

Today was set aside especially for the Graduate Schools of the University, and was known as Graduate School Day. Special luncheons for the alumni of the Schools of Law, Architecture, Arts and Sciences, and other graduate schools, were followed by specially arranged excursions to places of interest by the various groups. Local centers of the professions and businesses in the fields of the graduate schools were seen, and this evening the first day's meeting was brought to, a successful close at a dinner, attended by President Lowell and Provost Penniman of the University of Pennsylvania.

Clubs Have General Meeting

Tomorrow a general meeting of the Associated Harvard Clubs will be held from 10 until 12 o'clock and from 2 until 4 o'clock, and during this time much of the business of the conference will be considered by the graduates. Tomorrow night President Lowell will again address the meeting.


Saturday will be a day of excursions and sporting events. In the morning trips through historical Philadelphia, and surrounding points of interest will occupy the alumni, and in the afternoon many of them are expected to view the baseball game between Harvard and Pennsylvania, and the crew races on the Schuylkill between Harvard, Pennsylvania and the Navy.
