

An editorial published recently in a popular American weekly, in referring to a decision handed down by the Supreme Court, said that the Harvard Law School backed the Supreme Court, and "that when the Harvard Law School agreed with the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court was generally right."

Of the prestige of the Law School as an institution for the imparting of knowledge of law, there has never been any question. Now, finally, comes the much-needed enlargement of Langdell Hall which will provide the School with the one thing it lacked, a plant compatible with its size and rank.

The announcement that with Langdell Hall enlarged threefold, there would be no increase in enrolment, indicates some of the difficulties of cramped quarters Dean Pound and his associates must have undergone.

When the new additions are completed, the Law School library, the finest of its kind in existence in the world, will be made accessible to the students in a way not possible in the present building. All departments will benefit from increased facilities, and the Law School will be able to carry on its work under the most satisfactory conditions attainable.


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