

Laila Hanoun, Hindu fakir, has just prophesied that New York will be inundated by a great flood twenty years from now, that the Romanoffs will be restored to the throne of Russia, and much more. It must be true, for the miracles have already begun to occur. The lowly Red Sox, nobody's toast, have left the cellar. Not only have they left the cellar but they are tied for fifth place with the Senators, and are what the sporting page chooses to call "perilously close to fourth place".

The Red Sox have won four games in a row, and five of the last six they have played. To the baseball world this is a miracle quite the equal of the restoration of a fallen dynasty, considerably more of one, in fact. At the start of every baseball season for the past ten years or more the cry has gone forth that the Red Sox have come to life again, but all in vain. September found them at the bottom of the column.

Up in the dizzy heights of fourth or fifth place the Carriganites may well smile, for they are achieving the unheard of, and are bringing joy to the hearts of all Boston fandom. But perhaps the Hindu seer is slightly astigmatic, and just as Stalin and his confreres intend to have no more of the Romanoffs. Washington, Detroit and Chicago may soon tire of this prank of the Red Sox.
