

Although the pristine militancy of student government in the larger eastern colleges is now subdued, the idea's soul goes marching on, and westward. At the University of California, where it flourishes in full flower, the student council found Editor James F. Wickizer of the California Daily Bruin guilty of treason to the cause in "not conforming to the policy of constructive criticism, particularly toward the administration, which has been laid down by the council." The penalty named for further infraction of this rule was removal from office.

It is said that forest creatures when alarmed "freeze" where they are, and move no muscle till danger is past. Editor Wickizer, lacking protective coloring, hastily promised not to print "anything of a sarcastic or critical nature that would not be for the best interest of the University and the Associated Students", adding, "henceforth we pledge ourselves to be the submissive voice of every student leader and ready to carry out the wishes of every faculty member."

Sparse as is the disclosed information surrounding Mr. Wickizer's resolution, there is yet enough to make clear that he ignored his first duty, which was to resign. Thus he would have avoided the most ingenious and it would seem, most unpleasant--paradox of being ex officio in fact, though not in name. His resolution to be a tongue for every head of the student hydra is ambitious and pathetic.

More than this, the changed editorial policy of the Bruin, is assailable not alone on the well trod ground of freedom of speech and thought its essence is error. The university daily is as far from the jurisdiction of student government as the New York Times is from the supervision of the Customs Bureau. It is difficult to bound the province of student government. Control of athletics by such a body may be conceded; it may also be questioned. But student government and student journalism are epiphenomena.
