After a week of practice on an outdoor diamond, 20 members of the University baseball squad were chosen yesterday afternoon by Coach F. G. Mitchell to journey south for the series of games during the spring recess. These men will comprise the first squad during the coming season, and on the trip next week will engage in six encounters, five with teams from below the Mason and Dixon line, winding up with a clash with the West Point Cadets.
Six men have been chosen for mound duty. J. N. Barbee and F. B. Cutts '28 will probably get the call when the Harvard nine faces heavy-slugging opponents, while J. S. Cunningham '29, Willard Howard '28, R. r> Ketchum '29, and Howard Whitmore '29 will play relief roles. W. W. Lord '28, D. P. Donaldson '28, and E. J. Steptoe '29 have been selected to take their turns behind the bat.
Following are the men who will play in the infield: J. P. Chase '28, G. E. Donaghy '29, F. E. Nugent '30, John Prior '29, R. C. Sullivan '28, and A. G. Whitney '29.
The outfielders follow: Captain H. W. Burns '28, A. L. Devens '30, R. R. Durkee '29, W. S. Hardle '30, and W. B. Jones '28.
The infield which is expected to start most of the games is composed largely of veterans. Prior, understudy of J. E. Tobin '27 and Lord during the last two seasons will undoubtedly cover the initial sack whenever the nine takes to the field. Chase will be at second base while Sullivan, a regular on last year's team, will be called on to fill the part of shortstop, according to present indications. The hot corner position will most probably be held down by Donaghy, another veteran, who is brilliant, though often erratic in his fielding.
Burns, who has been filling in at short during Sullivan's absence this spring, will resume his regular position at center field. Jones, a regular on last year's nine, will probably win the call of the right field post. The choice for the third position in the outer circuit will fall among Deven,s Durkee, and Hardie. Devens and Hardie were regulars on the Freshman team last year, while Durkee was a substitute on the University squad.
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