

Undergraduate Team Whips Through Many Laps to Fast Victory--DeLima and Vonckx Shine

The third annual University swimming meet was brought to an end yesterday afternoon at the Big Tree Pool, when the various mermen of the University displayed their abilities in six different events. The pool was lined to capacity with spectators for the occasion. In the 100-yard relay a fast undergraduate team defeated a quartet from the Graduate Schools in the time of 50 1-5 seconds; fast time considering the exceptional number of turns required in the short space afforded in the pool. The 200-yard free style was won after a close contest by W. S. DeLima '31, present New England 500-yard champion. R. L. Vonckx '31 turned in a fine performance in the breast stroke, with a time of 2 minutes and 46 1-5 seconds for 200 yards.

The summary of events follows:

100-yard relay: first, College team: S. C. Harris '29, T. B. Quigley '29, J. S. Story '30, W. S. DeLima '31; second, Graduate Schools team: J. P. Hall 1G.B., J. S. Greenberg 1L, G. B. Bucknam 2G.B., C. M. Arensberg 1G.B. Time, 50 1-5 sec.

200-yard free style--first, W. S. DeLima '31; second, H. DeW. Wood '30; third, J. S. Greenberg 1L. Time, 2 min. 21 sec.

50-yard beginners--first, J., A. Lake 3L.; second, N. L. Kline '31; third, J. B. Ortiz '31. Time, 40 sec.


100-yard backstroke--first, E. A. Hill 2L.; second, J. P. Hall 1G.B.; third, H. L. Lilienthal '30. Time, 1 min. 13 sec.

Fancy diving--first, B. G. Burbank '28; second, S. M. Krinsky '29; third, H. DeW. Wood '30.

200-yard breast stroke--first; R. L. Vonckx '31; second, H. DeW. Wood '30; third, E. A. Hill 2L. Time, 2 min. 46 1-5 sec.
