

Meeting Tonight Inaugurates Final 1931 Competition of Year--Harmon to Address Candidates

With the start of a nine-weeks competition this evening, Freshmen will be given their last chance of the year to try out for the Business Board of the CRIMSON.

All candidates will convene in the office of the Business Department in the Crimson Building, 14 Plympton Street at 7 o'clock. The nature of the work will be explained and H. L. Harmon '28, present Business Manager, will give a short talk. The practical experience gained in a competition of this sort is of great value, both in college and in any field of business which the candidate may plan to enter.

At present there are no Freshman members of the Business Department Successful candidates will be eligible to appointment as assistant business managers at the end of their Sophomore year and as business manager at the end of their Junior year.

The competition will last nine weeks, concluding next tall. Ample time will be allowed candidates in which to prepare for their final examinations.
