The Vagabond has always had a deep fondness for the perplexities of Boston, and a great interest in the attempt of Boston in general to keep up with the Joneses. Modern street cleaning, modern night clubbing, and modern garages are all finding their way into the highways and byways of the former seat of ancestry and Louisa Alcott. And now the modern music is howling its insistent way into favor, in an effort to bring Boston further up to date. With the advent of Stravinsky aided by the Glee Club recently, Boston has seemed to be infused with a new desire for this type of music.
Therefore it is in a sense of exploration that the Vagabond will venture within the stronghold of Jordan Hall tonight to witness one of the land-marks in the history of the so-called new movement in music in Boston. For attention is being entered tonight on music written for the most part for small combinations of instruments, music which has rarely been heard previously. Works like the "Octet" by Stravinsky, and portions of the same composer's "Story of a Soldier"; songs by a young German modernist, Hindemith and above all, the very famous work for reciting voice and instruments, "Dierrot Lunaire" by Arnold Schoenberg, which has created a sensation in other cities where the movement has been stirring. The concert is organized under the auspices of the Camber Music Society of Boston and the Boston Flute Players Club. The Vagabond has been perhaps too greatly influenced by the expressions of prominent critics who have favored the movement, but beyond the critics and their arguments, the evening has its attractions.
The following lectures today and tomorrow are of interest:
9 o'clock
"English Estates Design," Professor Pray, Robinson Hall.
12 o'clock
"The Renaissance of French Music," Professor Hill, Music Building.
"King Oedipus," Professor Gulick, Sever 26.
"The Rise of the Wage Earning Class," Professor Usher, Widener U.
9 o'clock
"Paul Valery et la 'Poesie Pure'" Professor Moritze, Sever 14.
10 o'clock
"Wilson's Attempt to Preserve Neutrality," Professor J. P. Baxter, Harvard 2.
"Civil War and Intervention, 1918-1920," Professor Karpovich, Sever 21.
Some Modern American Novelists," Professor Murdock, Harvard 1.
12 o'clock
"The Architecture of Louis XVI," Professor Edgell, Robinson Hall.
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THE STUDENT VAGABONDAt the risk of being considered an embryo architect with a blinded prejudice for his future professor, the Vagabond will
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