The complete 1931 Red Book board was announced yesterday at the completion of a two weeks competition.
Although the general form of this year's book will be the same as in previous years, the 1931 volume will be a large edition, with more than 300 pages, 40 pages of which will be devoted to advertisements. The original price will be $4, but a week after the opening sales date, an adidtional charge of $.50 will be made. The edition will appear the night of the Freshman Jubilee, May 29.
Twelve men have been selected for the editorial department of which C.M. Underhill '31 is the chairman. The sub-chairmen are Julius Birge, D.T. Field, F.H. Gade, and L.F. Percival Jr. On the board are E.S. Amazeen, Samuel Barry, E.L. Belisle, J.C. Borden, W.W. Foshay, H.W. Lehmann, R.P. McElkiney, H.W. Sibley.
C.E. Pickhardt, chairman of the arts and cuts committee, has chosen two sub-chairmen, R.E. Fulton and H.F. Williams. The following have been selected for the committee: F.E. Bissell, F.S. Holmes, William McKennan, H.E. Scott, and Kiyoshi Yamaguchi.
Chairman L.N. Grimes has made the following additions to the photographic board: R.G. Fisher, M.W. Gill, J.W. Hallowell, sub-chaimen, and R.F. Blake, O.G. Elder, P.H. Fuller, C.F. Giles, and P.H. Tolman.
The following have been elected to the business board: J.H. Smith, chairman, J.A. Hornaday and P.S. Dalton, sub-chairmen, and J.C. Bayley, A.J. Beveridge, Jr., R.L. Hoguet, R.L. Leonard, W.K. McEwen, E.K. Straus, and H.B. Rood.
One sub-chairmanship of the business board is yet to be filled. After a one week competition the encumbent of this post will be announced
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