
The Student Vagabond

Lectures of interest today are as follows

9 o'clock

"Landscape Schools in England." Professor Pray, Robinson Hall.

10 o'clock

"Recent History of Venezuela." Professor Haring, Harvard 3.


12 o'clock

"Brown, Ward and Rimmer." Professor Post, New Fogg, small lecture room.

"Schonberg and Heindemith," Professor Hill, Music Building.

"The Antigone of Sophocles," Professor Gulick, Sever 26.

"Tools, Machinery and Inventions," Professor Usher, Widener U.

"The Church Buildings of the Emperor Constantine Old St. Peter's. St. John Lateran, Church of the Nativity, and Church of the Holy Sepulchre," Professor K. J. Conant, Robinson Hall.

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