
The Student Vagabond

After one day's respite following the restful days of a New York vacation the Vagabond furtively returns to his former haunts, the oppressive shadow of approaching divisionals hard upon him. All honor be to those hardy souls who braved the tormenting mirage of vacation to brood over notes, and outlines beneath the gaze of the everpresent Goddess.

Faint glimmers and green shades shone through windows on vacation nights where never light was seen before. The Vagabond cowers before the courageous example of those who slaved in such a way, while he, poor butterfly, was shuffling among the white lights and pink cheeks of Broadway.

And yet today, he still is all too willing to shirk the duties of this life and lend ear to the enticement offered in the presence of Mr. Joseph Tantner who will sing songs of Schubert and Schumann at the invitation of Professor Ballentine, in the Music Building at 10 o'clock.

Other lectures of interest today and tomorrow are:



10 o'clock

"The Provisional Government and the Bolsheviks," Professor Karpovich, Sever 21.

"Henry James," Professor Murdock, Harvard 1.


9 o'clock

"Landscape Schools in England," Professor Pray, Robinson Hall.

12 o'clock

"Meunier," Professor Post, New Fogg, Small Lecture Room.

"Richard Strauss," Professor Hill, Music Building.

"The Antigone of Sophocles," Professor Gulick, Sever 26.
