

Northampton, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo and New York Visited--Last Four Performances to Be at Club

After the longest trip made by a Hasty Pudding show in several years, the cast of "Not Now--Later" will present their last four performances beginning tomorrow night at the club.

The annual spring trip of the show was made longer than those of previous years by a fairly extensive tour of the Middle West. Chicago was visited this year for the first time, and a total of six cities were included in the tour.

The first road performance of the show took place on Saturday, April 7, at the Academy of Music in Northampton. Immediately following the performance the cast boarded the train, traveling westward all the following day to Chicago.

Monday night the second road performance was given before a large audience at the Eighth Street Theatre in Chicago, following a luncheon given by the Harvard Club of Chicago. A dance was given by several alumni following the show, at the Casino.

The third performance took place in Orchestra Hall in Detroit, and the next in Masonic Hall in Cleveland. After both of these performances the cast attended buffet suppers given by alumni. The Cleveland visit was somewhat marred by the discovery that during the show several members of the cast has been robbed of sums amounting to about $150 by a chief rummaging through their clothes in the dressing room.


On Thursday the Hasty Pudding troupe was in Buffalo, where it went on the boards for the fifth time at the Elks Club.

The climax of the tour was the final presentation of the show at the Meca Temple in New York City, followed by the cabaret which is an annual feature there.

The presentation tomorrow night will be the fourth to be given in Cambridge, two public performances and a private showing before the club alumni having been held preceding the trip. Tickets for the four performances on the 18, 19, 20, and 21 of this month may be purchased at Leavitt and Peirce's or at Herrick's.
