The Porto Rican debating team, upholding the affirmative side of the question, "Resolved, That the United States cease to protect with armed forces American investments in the Caribbean, without prior declaration of war," defeated the Harvard team by a popular vote at Paine Hall last night.
Gabriel Guerra, Vincente Roure Jr., and W. A. J. Colorado composed the Porto Rican team, and L. S. Bew Sp., N. M. Sachs '29, and R. F. Courtney '29 composed the Harvard team.
The Porto Rican trio opposed the policy of intervention with armed forces, and cited the bad results of such a policy in Haiti, Santo Domingo, Nicaragua, and the Latin-American world generally. They claimed that not one American was killed in Haiti or Santo Domingo before United States marines intervened, and they charged that many of the revolutions in Latin-America which made governments unstable were incited by American investors. "More intervention means more investments and more investments means more intervention," was their contention.
The Harvard team, on the other hand, made it clear that it stood for intervention as a policy, and that it was not called upon to defend the administration of the policy, there being a distinct difference between the two. International law authorities, such as Charles Cheney Hyde '98, and United States Senator William E. Borah were cited.
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