The oppressive forces of capitalism have won another victory over the defenders of man's independence, and that in the enemy's own country. For the government of Soviet Russia has begun negotiations with Henry Ford looking towards the establishment of a Ford factory in the land of the Bolsheviks. To be sure, it is only after the Soviets had tried to produce tractors on their own account from-pirated plans, but when these were discovered to cost six times as much as American product and in addition failed to run, they capitulated to the rival system.
If Ford, who has long been held up by the Bolsheviks as the perfect example of the American capitalist and exploiter of labor, is to be permitted to practice his nefarious work in the midst of a socialistic regime, it will be difficult for the Russians to deny much longer that Socialism is not entirely practical. Already the peasants have been granted practical ownership of their farms and produce, and now that its principles are to be abandoned in the factories as well, little remains but a few catchwords of Karl Marx and a rapidly fading shadow of that Utopia of idealists, the Perfect Socialistic State.
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Mareel to Lecture on April 17