
In the Graduate Schools

Harvard Club at 7 O'clock Scene of Yearly Function Tonight

The Legal Aid Society will close for the season following the annual dinner tonight at the Harvard Club of Boston. The duties of the Bureau cease on April 1, to be resumed next fall on October 1.

C. H. Willard 2L., treasurer of the Society, will act as toastmaster at the dinner, which will start at 7 o'clock. S. L. Rosenberry 3L., retiring president, and W. B. Carman 2L, president-elect, will speak. The following will be guests at the dinner: Professor Zechariah Chafee '13, Professor Felix Frankfurter '06, Professor J. A. McGuire, Professor Austin W. Scott '09, Brooks Potter '24, president of the Society last year, and Summer Babcock '24, vice-president last year.

The dinner marks the close of an unusually successful year. The organization has handled more than 200 cases, twice as many as last year, which in turn showed a marked increase over the previous season. The number of cases involving students in the College shows a corresponding rise, about 75 men having been aided. In the cases which have been taken to court, the settlements rendered the clients of the bureau amount to about $3,000.

The Legal Aid Society, run by law students, gives advice on legal matters free of charge. If a case is carried to court, the bureau demands merely that its expenses in conducting the case be paid. All types of cases have been handled, except bankruptcy and admiralty. Cases of contracts, bills, and between landlord and tenant comprise most of the suits. Advice has been sought even on divorce, and once on international affairs.
