

"Feel My Pulse" With Bebe Daniels is a Moderately Good Show-Many Corpses Litter Scene

If you like Bebe Daniels, you had better see her in "Feel My Pulse", showing this week at the Metropolitan. If you have any dislike for the lady, don't waste your time.

If however, you are like the reviewer and have no predetermined feeling for or against Miss Daniels, the matter becomes more difficult-if you take your movie going seriously enough to wonder about such things. The show tries awfully hard to be a roaring, ripsnorting tale of a milk-fed, misanthropic young lady-Miss Daniels-who gets mixed up in a a war among bootleggers, hi-jackers, and revenue officers. After numberless corpses have been strewn about the scene, she is able to declare that at last she has found Adventure and Romance with a capital "A" and a capital "R". It is all rather amusing, however, and much better than a great deal of the pother we are now served on the silver screen.
