

A touring car, containing W. L. Shaney, his wife Esther, and fouryear old daughter Alleen, running eastward along Memorial Drive, at 1.15 o'clock yesterday afternoon, suddenly, with no apparent cause, plunged into eight feet of water in the Charles River just west of Anderson Bridge. Only the top of the car was left in sight.

H. T. Moore, of 6 Pond Street, Jamaica Plain, was at the same time driving in the opposite direction, being about 200 feet away when the accident occurred. Arriving on the spot, he jumped from his automobile and swam to the submerged car.

He dragged ashore Shaney, the operator of the car. Returning for the other two helpless occupants, he was aided by an unknown rescuer and all arrived safely on shore. The five participants were carried to the First Precinct Station House, and thence the three sufferers were taken to the Cambridge hospital.

Moore has been for two years an applicant for the Boston police force, and his name now stands fortieth on the list. The lieutenant in charge of the First Precinct Station House in Cambridge told a CRIMSON reporter yesterday that the rescue would probably assure Moore of an appointment.
