(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters, but under special conditions, at the request of the writer, names will be with-held.)
To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
The indifference about which you speak in your editorial is a compliment to our undergraduate intelligence. How ludicrous all this agitation about the stadium! Was it not sufficient that the omnipotent athletic publicists were able to get so much printed about the matter without having tried to bring it to the forum and working up a factitious interest in it? It was carefully stated that the "parliamentary rather than formal manner of debate" would be used. Figs! You might as well talk about draping the stage of the Odeon with meshed gold and silver and then put on a puppet show!
What Harvard needs, what all of our universities need, is some hardy intellectual food to chew upon. Make the Union a place where men can get together and talk things over of consequential and substantial interest. That would do more for the intellectual life of Harvard than all the superficially imposed reading periods and tutorial systems in the world. Yes, a larger and more beautiful stadium would be just as desirable and welcome as a ventilating system in the basement of Widener;--but let us give some real meaning to a debating union by bringing to its forum the intellectual problems that prick the consciences of our undergraduates and by making it a hot bed where ideas can germinate and find a voice. Sydney Hubert Blackstone '26.
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