An industrial inspection tour to Europe designed for engineering students and instructors as well as factory executives will be conducted this summer by educational institutions of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, according to G. W. Kelsey, assistant professor in the extension division of Rutgers University.
The tour will attempt to coordinate the pleasures and advantages of foreign travel with unusual opportunities to study European manufacturing methods under competent leadership. Inspection privileges and executive contacts have been arranged for in England, Germany, Belgium and France.
Lectures will be held on shipboard and elsewhere. Sailing from New York July 14 on the Tuscania, the itinerary will include visits to London, Birmingham. Sheffield, Liege, Dusseldorf, Cologne and Paris. The return trip will be made on the Berangaria, arriving in New York August 24. The tour will be taken as part of the individual extension program of summer work, undertaken by the various colleges and universities participating.
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