
Division of Geology Announces Adoption of the Tutorial System

Tutorial System to Be Optional for Upper Classmen--Better Criterion of Work Expected

By a change in the conduct of the Division of Geology, which will go into immediate effect, students concentrating in that field will work under the tutorial system and its attendant general examinations, it was announced yesterday. The physical sciences have long hesitated to embrace the tutorial system because the many inherent differences between the instruction of sciences and instruction in other fields have raised different problems to be solved. The Division of Geology is the third science to adopt the tutorial system, the Divisions of Bio-Chemistry and Biology having adopted it last spring.

Upper classmen who have been concentrating in Geology, have the option of continuing under the regulation in force under which they started, or of shifting to the tutorial system with a general examination.

Last night Professor K. F. Mather professor of Geology in the University made the following statement:

"The Division of Geology has long recognized the importance of tutors in this field. In certain courses they have already been used to great advantage. These have been courses, Geology 12 for example, in which the student and the professor are in especially close connection. The general examinations are very desirable because they will enable the department to judge better what a student has gotten out of his work.

"It is expected that all or nearly all of the faculty members connected with the Division of Geology will serve as tutors. This adoption does not in any way mean that a great change will take place in the work covered by this field, but it will effect the mechanism of the system."


All students concentrating in the Division of Geology will be required to take at least four courses in the division and two additional courses, which may be in that division or in the allied Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Zoology, Botany, Mathematics or Engineering Sciences.
