
Presidential Possibilities

10. Frank B. Willis of Ohio

In a manner of speaking, Frank B. Willis has stepped into the shoes of one President already. When the Senate seat of Warren G. Harding became vacant when its occupant moved to the White House in 1921, Willis was appointed to fill the empty chair. He has held that seat ever since, active in committee work, but lacking the spectacular record of some of his colleagues with Presidential aspirations.

Like most of the presidential possibilities, Willis served his political apprenticeship in a law office. He was admitted to the Ohio bar in 1906, and later sat in the State Assembly for two years. A seat in the House of Representatives held him for two Congresses, when he resigned to succeed James M. Cox as Governor of Ohio. The Senate took him from the Governor's chair, and now a group of Republicans is boosting him as an opponent for Governor Vic Donahey.
