This afternoon this year's crew aspirants will take to the water in shells for the first time since late in January. The University crew schedule for this spring was also announced last night at the Harvard Athletic Association.
The mighty Leviathan has been dodging the ice cakes between Weeks and Anderson bridges all this week. Today, however, Coach Brown hopes to take 12 shells out for the initial practice of the year. It is expected that six 150-pound crews will go out, and six class crews. In about three weeks it is expected that three crews will be chosen from the class material. After vacation a first and second University crew will be chosen.
The schedule for the 1928 season is as follows: May 5, I. T.: May 12, Cornell and M. I. T.: May 19, Navy and Pennsylvania at Philadelphia; June 22, Yale at New-London. The University crew will leave Sunday, June 3, for Red Top.
The 150-pound University schedule follows: April 9 to 14. Spring Training trip to Kent School: May 5, M. I. T.: May 12, M. I. T.; May 19, Yale and Princeton at Derby.
The Freshman schedule next year follows; May 5, M. I. T. Freshmen: May 12, Cornell and M. I. T. Freshmen, June 22, Yale at New London.
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