A proposed increase in the annual dues of the Harvard Club of Boston will be considered at its annual meeting on Wednesday, March 21. Election of officers and other routine business will also take place. An increase of $5 for all classes of non-residents is proposed, as well as an increase in the annual dues of Faculty members from $15 to $20. Under this plan, the dues of members who have been out of the University seven years or more will be increased from $40 to $50, of those who have been out between five and seven years from $30 to $40, and of those who have been out from three to five years from $20 to $25. No increase is proposed for members who are now students in the University or have been within the last three years.
The club also announces that there will be a concert tomorrow at 4 o'clock by the Pierian Sodality, to which ladies are invited, while next Wednesday, at 8.30 o'clock, there will be an illustrated lecture on "Nature's Mysteries."
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