

Freshman Musicians Will Get Chance at Three Divisions--Gade Elected to Presidency of Clubs

Trials for three divisions of the Freshman Instrumental Clubs will be held at the beginning of next week, it was announced last night. The Glee Club, Orchestra and Specialty Acts divisions trials will be held in Gore Hall Common Room next Monday evening at 7 o'clock. Announcements concerning the trials for the Banjo and Mandolin Clubs will be posted shortly in the Freshman dormitories.

Under the new plan of organization, which was innaugurated last year, the clubs will be run similarly to the University Instrumental Clubs.

F. H. Gade '31 has been appointed president of the organization, it was announced last night C. B. Adams '31 has been elected vice-president and P. S. Dalton '31 secretary treasurer. The position of manager was given to C. D. Dillon '31.

Gade's assistants will be C. M. Under hill '31, Henry Schniewind '31 and A. C. Ingraham '31; these men will be in charge of the Vocal Club, the Orchestra, and the Specialty Acts division respectively.

The final concert of the clubs will be at the Freshman Jubilee. Others will be given in neighboring cities during the spring.


All Freshmen interested in the Instrumental Clubs are eligible to try out for positions in the organization.
