

News, Photographic, and Business Departments Open to 1931--1929 and 1930 May Write Editorials

Competitions for four departments of the CRIMSON will open with a meeting in the CRIMSON building, 14 Plympton Street, tonight at 7 o'clock. Candidates will be drawn from the Freshman class for the News, Business, and Photographic Departments. Juniors and Sophomores will be allowed to compete for the Editorial department. Competitions for all of these departments will last nine weeks.

At the opening of the meeting V. O. Jones '28, president of the CRIMSON, will make a short talk to all candidates on general points of the competition. Later candidates will be shown over the departments which they intend to compete for by the heads of these departments.

Members of the class of 1931 will have their first opportunity to try for the News Board. Uncovering the news of the day, and writing stories under the supervision of experienced editors will constitute the duties of the News candidates. One candidate each day will be required to do office work around the building.

Whereas soliciting advertisements will be the chief part of the Business candidate's work, performance of routine duties, office work, and getting subscriptions also play a large part in the competition.

The Photographic Department offers a thorough training in the mechanics of photography. The Editors will supply candidates with cameras, and instructions in the methods of picture-taking, developing, and printing.


Candidates for the Editorial Board will be required to submit at least one editorial each day. They will be expected to keep in close touch with current events, outside of the University as well as within.
