Preparations for the Junior Dance to be held Friday evening have been practically completed with the announcement of the boxholders and guests who will be present.
Arrangements have been made to take care of 250 couples. This year the committee has so manipulated the boxes, that few will be incoavenienced with balcony positions.
Following the practice of last year's dance, the card system will be used, although cutting in will be permitted during all encores and after supper interval, which is scheduled for 12.80 o'clock.
As a departure from the custom of previous years, there will be a buffet supper, refreshments being served from from long tables opposite the orchestra dais rather than in the individual boxes.
In a feature of the supper intermission, C. E. Henderson '28 and R. M. Whittemore '29 will render popular music in duet on two planes.
Representatives of Thomas F. Galvin Jr. will be-present in Memorial Hall tomorrow and Friday to take orders for floral arrangements for the boxes. Galvin alone is authorized to receive floral orders for decorative purposes.
The complete list of boxholders follows:
Box 1 and 2--E. G. Kraetzer, Jr., Chairman, and Ruth Harvey; N. J. Beisel, Jr., and Grace Powell; J. D. Bowersock, III, and Jessica Matlock; A. H. Donahey, Jr., and Barbara Rollins; A. S. Farnham and Julilly House; W. R. Faulkner and Marion Milnor; D. S. Greer and Charlotte Mason; K. W. Hooker and Mary Etta Williams; F. M. Mitchell and Hazel Duncan; S. B. Roberts and Ethyle Hansen; H. W. Rubsamen and Ruth Pearson; G. A. Sawin, Jr., and Doily Harris.
Box 3--B. H. Dorman, Chairman, and Alice Merrill; T. O. Brewster and Katharine Sanders; J. L. Harrison and Elsie Nicholson; J. P. Keyes and Dorothy Smith; Humphery Statter and Annie McIntosh; H. R. Thayer and Rosalind Newhall; R D. Whedon and Amy Wallcott.
Box 4--C. L. Allen, Jr., Chairman, and Barbara Haruth; J. W. Bethell and Margaret Eastman; E. C. Booth and Jeanette Gow; C. del, Solar and Beatrice Allen; C. H. Granger and Cecille Stanley; C. A. Stewart, Jr., and Roberta Robinson.
Box 5--Arthur Mills, Chairman, and Jean Godwin; C. M. Clark and Margaret Glass; F. E. Farnsworth; S. W. Hopkins and Anne Vernon; E. R. Todd and Ann Turner; G. A. Tupper and Katharine Leatherbee.
Box 6--Edward Rice, Chairman, and Dorothy Rodgers; J. C. Carter and Marion Haefell; A. G. Churchill and Georgina Denton; W. L. Denton and Alfreida Carter; D. L. Garrison and Deo de Pont; Reed Harwood and Catherine Hedge.
Box 7--Morton Cole, Chairman, and Nancy Adams; William Cowen and Nancy Crocker; F. L. Felton and Kathryn Wells: J. W. Filoon and Eloise Tompkins: R. S. Holden and Mary Young; W. L. Shearer, Ill, and Rosamond Holton.
Box 8--D. W. Houck, Chairman, and Emily Moss: W. H. Hulsman and Edythe Jones: H. W. Hunter and Irene Gallagher; Archer O'Reilly, Jr., and Betty Niles; W. A. Rust and Betty Mathews: R. B. Taylor and Dorothy Doggett.
Box 9--Louis Kerness, Chairman, and Sylvia Hurwitz: Milton Band and Gertrude Band; Louis Horvitz and Fay Isaacson: Tobias Levinson and Hannah Aronson: B. G. Macy and Mildred Levinson; A. Raum and Evelyn Alter.
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