
New Memorial Chapel to Rise in Honor of Harvard's War Heroes

Almost a Million Dollars Now Subscribed -- Committee of Alumni to Collect Funds

That the proposed University war memorial will definitely take the form of a new chapel to be erected in the Yard on the site of the present Appleton Chapel was made known officially last night. The announcement comes as a result of the passing of a resolution by the President and Fellows of Harvard College yesterday morning. The resolve was then submitted by the Corporation to the Board of Overseers at their meeting yesterday afternoon. It was voted upon, accepted, and placed on file. A committee will be designated to draw up plans and make the necessary investigations.

The adoption of the resolution to build a war memorial chapel culminates a movement for a University memorial which began early in the World War, as soon as the deaths of Harvard men were reported. It will require the demolition of the present chapel, but inside the new memorial there will be a small chapel which will be called Appleton Chapel.

Subscribing Atmost Reack million

Over three quarters of a million dollars has been subscribed towards the building of the new Chapel. Nearly $400,000 of this sum has already been paid to the treasurer of theuniversity. A committee of university alumni will have charge of collecting the unpaid subscriptions.

As yet it is not known how the adoption of the resolution will affect the plans of the committee of New York men who are in charge of a pool of the University's 48,000 alumni to ascertain what they believe would be the most suitable war memorial for Harvard.


The resolution in full follows:

"Whereas on April 13, 1925, the Corporation, acting on the advice of a committee of the Overseers and of the Associated Harvard Clubs, were of opinion 'that if the alumni desire to present to the University an adequate sum of money for the building of the University chapel, the same should be accepted and that 'whether or not such a chapel shall be in memory of the Harvard men who died in the war is a matter to be determined by those who give the same'; and

"Whereas on February 14, 1927, the Corporation resolved that they were unanimously and heartily in favor of a beautiful new chapel in the Yard, which shall be a memorial to the Harvard men who gave their lives in the World War'; and

"Whereas over three quarters of a million dollars has already been subscribed for this purpose; and nearly $400,000 paid to the treasury of the University; it is hereby.

"Resolved that the said sum, with any future additions, shall be used to build a chapel, and that a committee, to consist of representatives of the Corporation and of the committee of the alumni in charge of collecting the subscriptions, prepare plans for the same
