


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I am deeply grieved to learn, through your issue of February 20, that Miss Kate Mullen, so long associated with the official publications of the University, had died. Having, as the CRIMSON said, been instrumental in the enlistment of Miss Mullen's services, and having had for several years in University Hall the benefit of her willing and skillful co-operation in connection with the various publications of the University, I wish to add my tribute to your own very discriminating and happy observations of her career at Harvard. The humor, no less than the substance, of your praise of her accuracy and dependability would have gratified her Irish soul. When the University Gazette was started we had a solemn understanding that it was to contain no mistakes, whether of fact or of typography: the Gazette could do no wrong. No one could have come nearer to this impossible ideal than Miss Mullen, and I am glad to infer from your comments that the tradition of infallibility was maintained to the end.

Miss Mullen's death is a reminder that the corporate Harvard is not limited to the roll of its graduates and to the official roster of those bearing academic titles. Both in the paid service of the University and in the no less intimate associations of the academic community with many workers in the shops, clubs, student publications, athletic organizations and other activities of Cambridge, there emerges every now and then one who, by long and devoted service, becomes as completely identified with Harvard as the most loyal alumnus could be. Such a one was Kate Mullen. Jerome D. Greene '96.
